If I Lift Weights I'll Get Too Bulky....
事实是,那些超大只的,是有很组织性的训练量,专业的营养增肌饮食计划,甚至可能是anabolic steroids。
就算是有用 anabolic steroids, 也不能抹杀他们背后的努力,不是像我们平常人每天进gym 1-2钟头就可以比较的。
你试试看用anabolic steroids,然后做在家等muscle 大吧
These drugs are not miracles; these athletes still have to eat clean, train hard, and recover.
Sports enhancement drugs are synthetic hormones that speed up the body’s
natural abilities to repair muscle fibers, metabolize food, and
suppress other hormones that are counterproductive to muscle growth.
They are not legal nor are they advised, but they do not take away from
the hard work, discipline, and desire of an athlete who is willing to
put it all on the line for their dream of being the greatest at their
Men do not accidentally become too big. You are
not going to do a few deadlifts, drink a protein shake, and wake up
looking like the hulk. The amount of sweat, pain, sacrifice, and
dedication required to get anywhere near too big is off the charts.
Worried About Getting “Too Big”
Does Lifting Weights Make You Big and Bulky?